Empowering your online strategy


Strategy beyond scale

Are your competitors talking about you in their boardrooms? Does your strategy guide how you allocate resources? Can every employee articulate your strategy and are they empowered to execute on it? At Burton, we see strategy as much more than a plans. We work with companies in every industry to develop strategies that deliver results.

The Burton marketing strategies are as unique as our clients

Strategic Consulting

At the core of a successful online program are solid strategy and web analytics that are guided by key performance indicators. Let us help you create meaningful benchmarks to help guide your online success.

Social Media Consulting

At Burton we believe that great consulting should always be coupled with flawless implementation. This may mean that we work with your team to implement that strategies we recommend or we create a hybrid, collaborative relationship where we work together to maximize the impact of your social media program.

Search Engine Optimization

We help you build an effective search engine optimization program designed specifically to help you maximize your online position and build your reputational authority.

Empoweryour online strategy today

Contact us

Burton Consulting LLC

UK: 2 Woodberry Grove - N12 0DR London
Switzerland: Seefeldstrasse 69 - 8008 Zurich

Email: info@burtonconsulting.eu

Tel. 00 44 (0)20 3514 8305